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Avonlea Family Day Care

Play Based Learning

rock wall in the garden photo

Our Services

We strive to provide an engaging environment that supports the development of children. I use a range of activities through the day that includes nature-based play and shared conversation. The children are encouraged to care for the environment as a part of their daily routine.
child playing with a fossil drawing


I believe that children need to feel secure and happy when they are in my care. I make children feel welcome by being supportive and considerate. I provide an environment where children enjoy playing and being with each other. We aim to provide family-centred care.
photo of a box file


I follow the Early Years Learning Framework. The Framework supports children as they experience Belonging, Being and Becoming.  I also follow the National Quality Standards Guiding Principles. They help us to support each child’s needs through play-based learning. We show respect for diversity with art, food, conversation and community engagement.

Child Care Subsidy

You may be entitled to a Child Care Subsidy. To find out more about this rebate please contact Services Australia by phoning 13 61 50 or using the link located in “Useful Links” below.




Age: 2 1/2 and older

I am able to have 4 children under the age of 4. As I have limited availability for infant sleep requirements, I can only cater for 1 infant per day. 

I currently have 1 place available for Monday and Friday and 2 places available for Wednesday.

Thursday is allocated to admin.

Additional places may available for children over the age of 4.

If you think our day care would suit your family’s needs, please feel free to contact us! 

two children harvesting veggies in the garden
chalk drawing

The Department of Communities

The Department of Communities is responsible for regulating education and care services through the Education and Care Regulatory Unit. They provide information and support to assist parents to choose child care options.


The Education and Care Regulatory Unit:

08 6551 8333

Country Freecall: 1800 199 383